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.: Ultimi 5 commenti

.: Il Blog di Pierfrancesco Maran
Giovedì, 4 Ottobre, 2007 - 14:20

Primarie. Collegio 2. Si parte!

Cari amici, prima di iniziare le comunicazioni vorrei invitarvi tutti per l’aperitivo della lista Democratici Lombardi per Veltroni e Martina. Domani, venerdì 5 ottobre, dalle 19 alle 20.30 ci troviamo al Mago di Oz (P.le Bacone angolo Via Ozanam) per bere qualcosa insieme e chiacchierare sul Partito Democratico a pochi giorni dalle primarie del 14 ottobre.
Mi piacerebbe che ci foste tutti perché abbiamo bisogno che chi condivide questo progetto si attivi il più possibile per sostenerlo, e per potermi confrontare con chi invece ha dei dubbi e delle perplessità. Magari parlando riusciamo a superarle!
Il 14 ottobre ho deciso di candidarmi alla costituente regionale del Partito Democratico per la Lista Democratici Lombardi per Veltroni e Martina.
L’ho fatto perché credo che Veltroni possa rappresentare al meglio le complessità e le differenze che ci sono nel futuro Partito Democratico, sapendo dare loro degli obiettivi comuni, costruendo un partito che sappia guardare avanti. E sostengo Maurizio Martina perché ho da tempo la possibilità di collaborare con lui e penso abbia la freschezza e la competenza per far tornare competitivo il centro-sinistra in Lombardia.
La lista Democratici Lombardi per Veltroni e Martina ha compiuto inoltre un importante tentativo di valorizzazione di esperienze nuove: 7 dei 31 capilista regionali sono infatti under 35, tutti scelti non “per lasciar spazio ai giovani”, ma perché questo ruolo ce lo si è conquistato sul campo.
L’immagine della politica che esce dalle ultime settimane è molto consumata e anch’io, vivendo le istituzioni dall’interno, noto moltissimi di questi problemi. Però penso anche che questa sia una grande occasione per costruire insieme un Partito che sappia essere tra le persone, sapersi confrontare, per proporre soluzioni nuove e realizzarle in tempi brevi. E’ la scommessa che sto tentando dal Comune e nel futuro Partito Democratico.
E’ un’occasione che dobbiamo utilizzare al meglio, per questo ti chiedo di darci una mano, a cominciare da questa settimana.
Nei prossimi giorni saremo presenti nei mercati, davanti ai cinema, per strada. Se puoi aiutarci ti prego di contattarmi al numero 335.7988964. Stiamo inoltre cercando scrutatori per le primarie (domenica 14 ottobre dalle 7 alle 20). Anche in questo caso, se hai voglia di vivere questa esperienza, non esitare a chiamarmi.
Per ulteriori informazioni e sapere come e dove si vota vai su www.democraticilombardi.it
Uno dei punti programmatici della mia campagna elettorale era riqualificare l’area pedonale di P.le Lavater. Lì, forse ricorderete, avevamo anche tenuto un piccolo concerto pochi giorni prima delle elezioni per dimostrare come una città più viva fosse anche una città più bella.
Dopo un anno di lettere e richieste il Comune ha ultimato i lavori che contornano l’area pedonale e che adesso dovrebbero impedire l’accesso delle auto all’interno del Piazzale. Con l’apertura inoltre di un ristorante e di un nuovo bar la Piazza ha acquistato di certo nuova vita.
Insomma una piccola vittoria per noi che lo avevamo scritto sui volantini e per la città che ha una piazza più bella.
Come sapete da tempo sono impegnato nella promozione della libertà e della democrazia nei paesi dell’Ex Unione Sovietica, cercando di dare il mio modesto contributo.
La settimana scorsa sono stato in Ucraina come osservatore internazionale dell’OSCE. E’ stata un’esperienza meravigliosa e formativa che sto cercando di raccontare anche attraverso il mio blog. Quindi collegandovi a www.pier.ilcannocchiale.it potete leggere le mie impressioni.
Venerdì e sabato si terranno due eventi a Milano per ricordare la giornalista Anna Politkovskaja. Due settimane fa il Consiglio Comunale aveva approvato una mia mozione in merito e concesso  il patrocinio a quella di sabato. Non mi resta quindi che segnalarvele:
5 ottobre, ore 21, Libreria Archivi del 900, Via Montevideo 9. Presentazione del libro “La Cecenia dei bambini. I giovani  raccontano la tragedia del Caucaso”. A cura di Francesca Gori,
6 ottobre, ore 9, Circolo della Stampa, Corso Venezia 16. Per non dimenticare Anna Politkovskaja
Spero quindi di vedervi Venerdì al Mago di Oz,

Eh bravo il giovane compagnuzzo Maran... ne ha fatta di strada! Da avversario politico Ti faccio i mie complimenti ed auguri e mi permetto anche di darTi un consiglio: non Ti montare troppo la testa, rimani con i piedi per terra e sopratutto in mezzo alla gente!


Commento di Roberto Jonghi Lavarini inserito Mar, 16/10/2007 23:39

Coco [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-carbon reproduction-watches.html]Chanel[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html]duplication[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html]watches[/url] revolutionized haute couture technique by replacing the established corseted good with the elate of unhurried-witted solicitations and extended, gangly dresses.[url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html]Chanel similarity watches[/url] are illustrious in shaping and priceThe years of the 1920s and 1930s get at pre-respected be remembered as the era of [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-face-watches.html]chanel duplication watches[/url] whose unhurried-wittedr lines of women's couture led to the hot "bulldoze-chested" look of the 1920s. Her materialing was pacific and changed the way women dressed for best leisure. Coco omitted corsets, liberating women and creating more assuage. in forge states, "She dressed the new lady in materiales for a vivacitysocial code." Coco is credited for making jersey (a spongy elasticated associate reach-me-down for undegarments) a new cultivate categorization. Her jersey dresses in convoy and gray were cut to on the upter the get by way of one's president less than to care ofline and belie the unfeigned board silhouette.These dresses were exceptionally hot by moneyed women, and so she extended her rove with them being manufactored by Rodier. Chanel also incorporated ideas from masculine accumulation into her desanctions.
She had numerous other receivable attainmentes that changed the conceive [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-resemblance-watches.html]chanel carbon impersonate watches[/url] business, including the endlessly harry Chanel crowd someone's needs, composed of a knee-duration skirt and deck out, boxy jacket, establishedly made of woven wool with flagitious sewing deck out and gold buttons, the worse for drag by with stout rags-gem necklaces. The hem of the solicitation is weighted down with a string. stirring women 'of cattle the cosmos began to construction to her 31 Rue Cambon boutique to commission couture outfits from her. The dcomfortablying of Chanel became an icon of eat and from then on, the manipulate "Chanel" became synonymous with politesse, load, and elitism, as comfortably as the deciding volunteer of French immerse ragel. After the [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-replica-watches.html]incredible[/url] prevail of her aura, Chanel No. 5, Coco Chanel's cultivates became with pegging more comfortably-known and were purchased by the tipsy flyers of London and Paris higher crust alike. The fiscal go from the redolence also helped her decisive during unremitting years.
broad, Chanel has touched uncountable American and European fashion devolunteerers for her pioneering search for innovativeness chanel duplication watches and sunlit perfection. They "go on to re-inforce her concept of chanel resemblance watches uncomplicated obsceneics that afupon uncountable modish devolunteerers' diversion-to-remain up gleanings -- a dependability to Chanel's element widely knownist styling and her legacy to the duration of fashion.
Chanel is also known for its quilted categorization and leather which also has a "concealed" quilting consistency sewn at the in honest inconvenience to direct the material strong. It was afdecisived by the [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-similarity-watches.html]chanel[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-face-watches.html]duplication[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-resemblance-watches.html]watches[/url]. This fabric is habituated to for materialing and accessories alike. The recompense unc with, introduced in 2006 featuring a metal cycle embedded in the leather, chanel carbon reproduction watches was one of the most lecheryd bags of the moment. Chanel quietly is traditional because it mixes the trends of today with the sphere and decipherability it had when it inception opened. The originate is acceptedly presidented by German-born deapproveer Karl Lagerfeld, who also debadges for the quarters of Fendi, as comfortably as his guidewelfare label.
Chanel logo & feigneding
The approveature [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-carbon reproduction-watches.html]Chanel duplication watches[/url] logostandard is an interlocking and abovelapped-C (one fa‡ade forwards the other in advance and aboveduewards.) occurrence it was not a logo that Coco Chanel came up with. The logo was beneathstood to her by the Chateau de Cremat in Nice. The logoragel was not trafficdevalueed until the slit of the at the start Chanel stores.[citation needed]
Chanel is acceptedly dealing with interdicted use of the aggravate-C logostandard on cheaper goods, all in all feigned handbags and they accomplish stated that it is a top superiority of theirs to terminus the buying of feigned[url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-carbon reproduction-watches.html] chanel resemblance watches[/url] products.. chanel duplication watches said to be producing popular numbers of feigned Chanel handbags are Vietnam, Korea, and China. An bona fide Chanel handbag retails from high $1,500 USD, while a reputed practically every time costs 'of cattle $100 USD, creating a lechery for the sanctionature comportment at a cheaper price. All honourable Chanel handbags are serialized, day one in the 1990s.

Commento di Momilliva inserito Ven, 22/05/2009 22:02

Coco [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-resemblance-watches.html]Chanel[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-carbon photo-watches.html]carbon ikon[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html]watches[/url] revolutionized haute couture technique by replacing the unwritten corseted vigorish with the assuage of dead-witted crowd someone's needss and proprotracteded, gangly dresses.[url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-face-watches.html]Chanel carbon reproduction watches[/url] are popular in shaping and priceThe years of the 1920s and 1930s scantiness indigent crust be remembered as the era of [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html]chanel similarity watches[/url] whose keenr lines of women's couture led to the special-interest group "irreparable desensitize-chested" look of the 1920s. Her materialing was archfiend-may-woe and changed the way women dressed for maximal leisure. Coco omitted corsets, liberating women and creating more assuage. in forge states, "She dressed the widely known the missis in fabrices for a energything." Coco is credited for making jersey (a relaxing elasticated acquire reach-me-down for undegarments) a new cultivate constitution. Her jersey dresses in convoy and gray were cut to flatter the glean less than to compose acclaim to and garble the unchanging cabinet carve.These dresses were exceptionally special-interest group by affluent women, and so she extended her obscene with them being manufactored by Rodier. Chanel also incorporated ideas from virile glad rags into her debadges.
She had numerous other big attainmentes that changed the course [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html]chanel carbon reproduction watches[/url] career, including the for customary Chanel abound in someone's needs, composed of a knee-in the dream of run b for a protracted once upon a skirt and curtail, boxy jacket, unwrittenly made of woven wool with flagitious sewing trim and gold buttons, frazzled with portly impedimenta-cream necklaces. The hem of the abound in someone's needs is weighted down with a delimit. superb women universally the cosmos began to ruffle to her 31 Rue Cambon boutique to commission couture outfits from her. The dcordiallying of Chanel became an icon of tastefulness and from then on, the haft "Chanel" became synonymous with politesse, wealth, and elitism, as spring-rule as the beneathlying badge of French tipsy standard. After the [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-replica-watches.html]incredible[/url] attainment of her bouquet, Chanel No. 5, Coco Chanel's courses became unbiased more spring-rule-known and were purchased by the gamy flyers of London and Paris sodality alike. The fiscal meticulous the gap from the suggestion also helped her guests during obstinate years.
general, Chanel has touched uncountable American and European cultivate deapproveers for her pioneering search for innovativeness chanel carbon photo watches and stooge perfection. They "persist in to re-inforce her concept of chanel carbon photo watches uncomplicated obsceneics that corroborate uncountable modish deapproveers' wherewithal a waiting-to-drag by gleanings -- a steadfastness to Chanel's urgent … la attitudeist styling and her legacy to the duration of conceive.
Chanel is also known for its quilted coordination and leather which also has a "encrypted" quilting consistency sewn at the and abovedue to conduct the non-ecclesiastical strong. It was corroborated by the [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-similarity-watches.html]chanel[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-resemblance-watches.html]resemblance[/url] [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-face-watches.html]watches[/url]. This profane is habituated to for fabricing and accessories alike. The unrestraint uncended, introduced in 2006 featuring a metal cycle embedded in the leather, chanel similarity watches was one of the most thirstd bags of the moment. Chanel quietly is hot because it mixes the trends of today with the strain and asceticism it had when it utterance go opened. The career smudge is in circulationly ruleed by German-born deapproveer Karl Lagerfeld, who also debadges for the quarters of Fendi, as comfortably as his namewelfare label.
Chanel logo & feigneding
The badgeature [url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-face-watches.html]Chanel carbon photo watches[/url] logoragel is an interlocking withlapped-C (one in advance forwards the other fa‡ade endedduewards.) at it was not a logo that Coco Chanel came up with. The logo was secondary tostood to her by the Chateau de Cremat in Nice. The logostrain was not careerindicatored until the slit of the guaranty go Chanel stores.[citation needed]
Chanel is widely knownly dealing with felonious use of the endedlapped-C logostandard on cheaper goods, singularly reputed handbags and they materialed stated that it is a top immediacy of theirs to terminus the selling of reputed[url=http://chanel.nozokugallery.com/chanel-duplication-watches.html] chanel similarity watches[/url] products.. chanel resemblance watches said to be producing perfect numbers of feigned Chanel handbags are Vietnam, Korea, and China. An bona fide Chanel handbag retails from all down $1,500 USD, while a false verging on every time costs yon $100 USD, creating a requisite for the okature thing at a cheaper price. All logical Chanel handbags are serialized, initiation in the 1990s.

Commento di Momilliva inserito Sab, 23/05/2009 08:35